The AI4Good Lab, CIFAR, Amii
March 31st, 2020
Due to to COVID-19 global pandemic, our partnership has decided to postpone the CIFAR OSMO AI4Good Lab in Edmonton program until summer 2021.
Our flagship program, the CIFAR OSMO AI4Good Lab in Montreal, will continue to run in summer 2020 with an altered program to ensure social distancing and participation from across the country.
As a valued partner to the AI4Good Lab, Amii will participate in the Montreal program in 2020 through lectures, workshops, and mentorship. This will provide a valuable contribution to our participants as well as the insight needed to deliver a successful program in Edmonton in the summer of 2021.
While we are collectively disappointed in the delay of the expansion to Edmonton, we believe this is the best decision to ensure a successful program in 2021 and the health of our participants.
CIFAR, Amii and the AI4Good Lab were proud to partner in February of 2020 to bring the AI4Good Lab to Edmonton this July as a 2-week pilot program. This program would allow 15-20 Canadian women access to an intensive AI bootcamp with academic and industry participation, focusing on the use of AI as a tool for social good.
The Montreal cohort will remain at 30 participants, and will include a large number who would have been selected for the Edmonton program. Of the 279 applications received, 249 were interested in the Montreal program and all will be considered equally, even if they also applied to the Edmonton pilot.
Thirty applicants were interested in only the Edmonton program. The AI4Good Lab will contact these participants and they will receive the option to apply early with special consideration for the 2021 Edmonton program.
While the suspension of the 2020 expansion AI4Good Lab hosted by Amii in collaboration with CIFAR is disappointing to all parties, we are excited to allow remote-access participation to ensure a successful program in 2021 and beyond.